
Showing posts from January, 2020

Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle Doesn’t Get Paid Until Your Company Sells

Colorado Business Broker Jeff ChapmanEisnaugle is committed to selling each business quickly, quietly and for the maximum sales price. Eisnaugle doesn’t get paid until he sells your business for the value you want and deserve, meaning you’ll never face any hidden or upfront fees throughout the selling process.   Eisnaugle utilizes a custom Nondisclosure Agreement to ensure confidentiality from start to finish, and employs a proprietary video marketing technique that gets your company in front of qualified buyers fast. Also visit:

Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle: Get Your Complimentary Business Valuation Today

Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle offers business sellers the value of extensive business selling experience and expertise, as well as proven, proprietary video marketing techniques that deliver results. Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle also offers clients a complimentary business valuation that includes a full analysis of your financials and every factor related to your company.  This valuation not only helps you determine if it’s the best time to move forward with the sale, but also to maximize the sales price should you elect to proceed. For more information visit:

Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle: Confidential Marketing

Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle manages the marketing of each client’s business to ensure employees, friends, suppliers, vendors and competitors don’t become aware of the sale. Eisnaugle provides experienced, professional representation at the negotiation table and throughout the sales process to structure the deal that delivers maximum benefit to each seller he serves. Sellers trust Jeff Eisnaugle because of his proven, structured sales process that includes an initial assessment meeting, determining the seller’s objectives, calculating the company’s current market value and customizing the marketing plan that works best for them. For more information visit: